[[:start|Home]] > [[:faq|FAQ]] > [[faq:administrator|Admin]] > [[faq:administrator#managing_user_accounts|Managing User Accounts]] > **How to view user's mail space usage** ====== How to view user's mail space usage? ====== 1. Login as **avomaster** or **voadmin**. 2. Then, go to **Profile** > **Admin**. |{{:faq:administrator:access_admin.jpg|}}| 3. Under the account list, click on **Show usage**. |{{:faq:administrator:managing_user_accounts:show-usage.png|}}| 4. The system will then fetch and display the user's email usage at the **"Use"** column. |{{:faq:administrator:managing_user_accounts:email-usage-col.png|}}| Other than individual user's usage, the system will also sum up email usage from all users and display it at the **"Consumed"** section. |{{:faq:administrator:managing_user_accounts:email-consumned.png|}}|