[[:start|Home]] > [[:faq|FAQ]] > [[faq:security|Security]] > [[faq:security#general|General]] > [[faq:security:phishing_mail_samples|Phishing Email Samples]] > **Payment Advice Email Scam** ====== Phishing Emails Unveiled: Payment Advice Email Scam ====== {{:faq:security:phishing_mail_samples:12-2.jpg?600|}} A payment advice email scam is a type of phishing scam where fraudsters send deceptive emails pretending to be legitimate payment advice messages. These fraudulent emails are designed to trick recipients into making unauthorized payments or revealing sensitive financial information. ---- ===== Common Characteristics ===== ==== 1. Spoofed Email Addresses ==== Scammers send emails that appear to be from well-known banks, using email addresses that looks similar to the real bank's domain to make the messages seem genuine. ==== 2. Generic Greetings ==== Scammers often use generic greetings like "Dear Customer" instead of addressing the recipient by name, as they may not have the target's personal information. ==== 3. Impersonation ==== Scammers often impersonate reputable banks to deceive you into believing the messages are legitimate. They may use similar logos, email addresses, and formatting to mimic the genuine organization's communication. ==== 4. Suspicious Attachments ==== Payment advice email scams may come with dangerous attachments. These attachments can contain malware, such as viruses, ransomware, or other harmful software, which can compromise your computer or steal sensitive information. ==== 5. Poor Grammar and Spelling ==== Banks and reputable organizations typically take great care to ensure that their official communications are professional and error-free. If a payment advice email with language errors or poor grammar, then it can be a red flag. ---- ===== Useful Tips ===== ✅ Legitimate payment advice emails from reputable organizations typically do not contain attachments or direct links to financial transactions. Instead, they usually provide clear and concise payment details, including invoice numbers, payment amounts, due dates, and the accepted payment methods. ✅ If you receive a payment advice email, cross-check the request with the sender's official website or contact the organization through known and trusted communication channels.