Home > FAQ > Admin > The Basics > How to reset/retrieve the Avomaster password

How to reset/retrieve the Avomaster password?

1. On the Lookafter client login page, click the Forgot password? link.

2. Then, enter “avomaster@yourdomain.com” (where yourdomain.com is your actual domain) into the given field and click Request.

3. On the next screen, make sure the email address is correct, and click Request once more.

4. A confirmation email will be sent to your predefined alternate email address.

Note: If you get “Alternate email not available” after step 3, it means the Avomaster alternate email address is not defined on your VO. Please contact helpdesk@lookafter.com for the matter.

5. Now, access your alternate email account to view the email with the password reset link. Click on the link that is provided in the email.

6. You will see the following screen. To view the new password through your browser, select the “View on browser (next page)” option. If you wish to receive the new password via your alternate email, select the “Email the new password” option.
In this example, we will go with the first option. Click Reset Password Now to proceed.

7. The new password will be displayed on your browser. You can now login with this new password.