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How do I create a new user account?

To create a new user account, you are required to login as the Avomaster or voadmin.

There is a slight difference between Avomaster's and voadmin's interface in terms of creating a new user account. If you are logging in as the Avomaster, please refer to the Avomaster's interface, and if you are the voadmin user, please refer to voadmin's interface.

Create New User with Avomaster

1. Login to the Avomaster account. On the dashboard, click on the Create New User Account button.

2. Enter the user name and password for the new user. Click Create to create the user.

3. The user account will be created. You can then choose to create another new user by clicking Create Another User, or proceed to edit the user's account settings (such as assigning email disk space and mail group) with Edit Profile.

4. If you choose Edit Profile, you will the screen like below. Here, you can change the user's disk space allocation, assigned group and other settings. Remember to click the Update button once you have completed the settings.

Create New User via voadmin account

1. Login with the voadmin account. Go to Profile > Admin.

2. Under Account List, click New.

3. Key in the user name and password for the new user account. Then, click Create to create the account.

4. The user will be created. You can then choose to create another new user by clicking Create Another User, or proceed to edit the user's account settings (such as assigning email disk space and mail group) with Edit Profile.

5. If you choose Edit Profile, you will the screen like below. Here, you can change the user's disk space allocation, assigned group and other settings. Remember to click the Update button once you have completed the settings.