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Dealing with Spam Form Submissions: FAQ

1. What are spam form submissions?

Spam form submissions are unsolicited or irrelevant messages submitted through website contact forms. These submissions are typically generated by automated bots and may contain promotional content, malicious links, or irrelevant messages.

2. How do I recognize spam form submissions?

3. Why do I receive spam form submissions?

Spam form submissions occur for several reasons:

4. How can I prevent spam form submissions?

Preventing spam form submissions is essential for maintaining the integrity of your website's communication channels. One effective method to deter automated bots and manual spammers is by implementing CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) verification.

CAPTCHA presents users with a challenge, such as identifying distorted text, selecting specific images, or solving simple puzzles. This challenge is easy for humans to complete but difficult for automated bots to decipher. By requiring users to successfully complete a CAPTCHA challenge before submitting a form, you can significantly reduce the number of spam submissions.