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Home > Developer > Lookafter Storage System API > GetDir


Script path: /storage/bin/api/get_dir.cgi

Description: Returns a list of items representing the directory listing of the given folder. Information for each item in the list can be optionally requested. Among the information available are: name, date, mtime, size, type, owner, company, lock status, description, checksum. Sorting of the list by selected fields and simple filtering of names is possible


Mandatory parameters are: sid, path
Optional parameters are: fields, filter, sortby, sorthow, ofmt

sidsession id of the login user. [mandatory]
pathpath to a folder. [mandatory]

Please refer to: How to specify a path.
Path must point to an existing folder. E.g.
path=/Private/subdir - list item under subdir in the “Private” area
path=/Company Share - list items in “Company Share”
path=/ - list the toplevel folders available to the user.
fields= name,date,mtime,size,type,owner,company,lock,description, checksum
= name,date,size,type (this is default if no fields are provided)

The field names may be any order and the returned field values will follow that order. Separate the field names with commas but do not include any spaces. Fields obmitted will not be returned. Returned value for a field can be empty strings. If a field does not exist in the item's information record, an empty field is returned. WARNING: a misspelled field name will be quietly ignored, i.e. returned empty value!
dev/sapi/get_dir.1650442500.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/20 16:15 by vikki