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How to adjust user email space?

Please follow the steps below to increase/decrease user email space:

  1. Login to your Avomaster or voadmin account.

  2. Go to Profile.

  3. Select Admin Task.

  4. On Accounts, select the user that you wish to increase the mailbox space.

  5. Under User Account Settings, look for Email Disk Limit.

  6. Select and change the email space from the dropdown options, which you can select up to 5GB of space (at the “No change” drop down).
  7. If you would like to add to more than 5GB of email space, select “Custom:” from the dropdown.
  8. Then, enter the amount into the given field. Note that 1GB = 1024 MB. For example if you want to place 8GB of email space, put in (8×1024=) 8192 MB.
  9. Remember to click the Update button to save your configuration.
faq/administrator/how_to_adjust_user_s_email_space.1463025574.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/12 11:59 by vikki