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Home > FAQ > Email > Webmail > How to move emails to other mailbox

How to move emails to my personal folder/ other mailbox?

I. Move multiple emails to a folder

1. Select the emails that you wish to move to another mail folder.

2. Click on the folder selection next to the Move to button, and select the destination folder from the dropdown menu.

3. Then, click Move to to move the mails to the selected folder.

II. Move an email to a folder after viewing it

1. Open the email to view its content.

2. Click on the folder option next to the Move To button.

3. Select the destination folder from the dropdown menu.

4. Click on the Move to button.

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faq/email/how_to_move_emails_to_personal_folder_or_other_mailbox.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/18 09:43 by vikki