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Home > FAQ > VOChat > Add Operator into Public Channel

Can I add more than one operator into the public channel?

Yes. You can have multiple operators in a public channel. All operators of a public channel will be able to receive the incoming chat messages from your website visitors, and reply to those messages.

To add more operators the a public channel:

1. On your VOChat, click on the public channel icon, and then click on the edit icon next to the public channel.

2. A new window will be displayed. Click on the Members tab.

3. Then, click + Add member.

4. Select the users that will become the operators in this public channel, and click Add.

5. Once the users have been added, close the window.

The newly added operators will then be able to receive new incoming chat messages from visitors.

guide/vochat/vochat_web_add_operator.1606901575.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/02 17:32 by vikki