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Lookafter File Documentation > Basic Features > Copying Files

Copying Files

Copying A Single File

1. To a copy a particular file and paste it to another folder location, click on the button on its right, then select Copy.

2. Select the destination folder. You can expand any folder by clicking on the button to list its subfolder.

3. Once a folder has been selected, the file will be copied to the new destination.

Copying Multiple Files

1. If you have more than one files to copy over to another location, select them by checking the checkboxes on their left.

2. You will see a list of buttons appear above the file list. Press the Copy button.

3. Next, select the destination folder. You can expand any folder by clicking on the button to list its subfolder.

3. Once a folder has been selected, the files will be copied to the new destination.

laf/features/copying_files.1658476708.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/22 15:58 by vikki