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AfterOffice Useful Tips: Adding alternate email address for password recovery

Are there times when you have lost or forgotten the password of your AfterOffice account, which you’d wonder how you can recover it?

It’s pretty easy— just add an alternate email address to your AfterOffice’s account. Once you have that, the next time when you need to recover your password, just reset it, and we’ll send an email to your alternate email address to retrieve your password.

Need more clue? Watch this video to see how you can do so.

Tips to add an alternate email address:

  1. Go to Email.
  2. Under Configuration, select General.
  3. On Alternate Email, key in your personal email address and click [Update].

Adding an alternate email address is the best practice for an account’s security. If you haven’t already, we recommend you to take a moment to add one.

Need any assistance? Contact our support team at 603-7877 4680 or

newsletter/useful-tips-alternate-email.1448849603.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/30 10:13 by vikki