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How do I upload files using Storapp?

To upload files from your phone, select the Upload tab from your Storapp menu.
Here, you can either choose to take a photo/video and upload it directly, or select any files from your device library to upload.

Snap a photo/video and upload directly

Select the following button to proceed:

Then, follow the steps below:

  1. Capture a photo or video. You can retake the photo/video or proceed to upload by pressing OK.
  2. At the “Upload to Storapp” page, you can see that a default filename has been given to your photo in the filename field, where you can change it if you want.
  3. You can either select to upload the photo in a recent folder, or save it in an existing or a new folder.
  4. Click [UPLOAD] to upload the photo/video.
  5. If you do want to upload the photo/video, you can cancel the process by selecting Cancel option at top right corner of the page.

Upload files from mobile device

At the Upload page, select:


  1. Select the photo/video/file(s) that you wish to upload and tap [OK]. Note that you can only select up to 10 files at one time.
  2. At the “Upload to Storapp” page, select whether you want to store the files in a recent folder, or save it in an existing or a new folder.
  3. Click [UPLOAD] to upload the file(s).