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AOS Messages API commands - RFC

Developer Reference > AOS API Document : Messages

Date: 4 Jan. 2001
Available: 20 Jan. 2001
Status: Draft
Compliant to AOS API Version: AOS 2.0b1
Revision: 1 - 2 Feb 2001
Revision: 2 - 4 Mac 2001
Revision: 3 - 1 Oct 2012

Interact with user mailboxes and retrieving messages.
New in revision 3
Fixed URL convention and update the commands.
New in revision 2
Correction to return result of mboxtable.
New in revision 1
More fields are added to the xOpenBox return result.

1. openbox.mbox.mms - Obtain list of email in the mailbox
2. rdmail.mbox.mms - Obtain full message
3. mboxact.mbox.mms - Move or delete messages
4. mboxtable.mbox.mms - Use: Get the user list of mailboxes


Command: [SID].openbox.mbox.mms
Use: Obtain list of messages in the mailbox
Access: HTTP
Method: POST and GET
Parameters case sensitive: NO
Where: [SID] = the user login session ID

Multiple-lines records, with TAB as fields separator:
<mailFile> the unique ID for message.
<Subject> the subject of the message.
<FromNameAndAddress> the sender name and email (MIME compliant)
<Size-Byte> the message size in byte
<DateTimeStamp> Unix time stamp (number of second counting from 1/1/1970 8:00 AM)
<BodyCaption> part of the message body.
<Content-Type> the email Content-Type information.
<ToNameAndAddress> the recipient name and email (MIME compliant)
<Flag> the message flag, “New” or “Read”.

API = only 1 argument accepted: “LC”
LCTop = number of lines to return, default all.
mbox = the mailbox to download, eg: “Inbox”

URL Sample:

MetaTalk sample:
Convert dateTimeStamp to date # you get the email date
Convert dateTimeStamp to time # you get the email time


Command: [SID].rdmail.mbox.mms
Use: Obtain full message.
Access: HTTP
Method: POST and GET
Parameters case sensitive: NO
Where: [SID] = the user login session ID

Result: Raw message in MIME-TYPE

API = only 1 argument accepted: “LC”
mbox = mailbox
file = the message ID

URL Sample:

Note: downloading message with this API command will not transfer messages from Inbox to Read. Use mboxact.mail() command to move messages instead.


Command: [SID].mboxact.mbox.mms
Use: Move messages from a mailbox to another also use to Delete messages.
Access: HTTP
Method: POST and GET
Parameters case sensitive: NO
Where: [SID] = the user login session ID

Result: True or Error message.

API = only 1 argument accepted: “LC”
mbox = the mailbox for the original message
mboxTo = [optional] the target mailbox to move to (void if delete)
del = [optional] “yes” if delete the message, void if “mov” param is used.
mov = [optional] “yes” if moving the message, void if “del” param is used.
selall = [optional] “yes” if moving or deleting ALL message in the mailbox.
sel = [option] the message Id for move or delete. Multiple sel param supports (void if selall=yes).

URL Sample:

MetaTalk sample:
Convert dateTimeStamp to date # you get the email date
Convert dateTimeStamp to time # you get the email time


Command: [SID].mboxtable.mbox.mms
Use: Get the user list of mailboxes.
Access: HTTP
Method: POST and GET
Parameters case sensitive: NO
Where: [SID] = the user login session ID
Multiple-lines records, with TAB as fields separator:
<reserved> first field is reserved.
<mailboxRef> the internal mailbox reference name, this name will be used for all mbox param.
<mailboxAppearanceName> the full name of the mailbox. This field is void if the mailbox is one of the built-in mailboxes.
<numberOfMessages> number of messages in this mailbox

Note: There are 5 default mailboxes for each user:
Inbox, Read, Draft, Sent, Deleted
Each of the default mailbox can be referred as the above name directly (English) regardless of the user preferred language or the custom mailbox name.
However, for new mailboxes created by user, there will be an “Appearance” name and the actual reference name for it.
Use this command if you would like to obtain the full mailbox list of a user (including the custom mailboxes). However, you may avoid this command if you try to access built-in mailboxes (Inbox, Read, Draft, Sent, Deleted).

API = only 1 argument accepted: “LC”

URL Sample:

dev/api/message.1401185563.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/16 15:24 (external edit)