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Language file syntax guide

Developer Reference > language


Enabling multiple Language on Afteroffice Server (AOS) environment is possible via adding the Language files. Language file is available at “pref” directory at the AOS installation. You may obtain the English version of the Language file from the following link and translate it to the language that you preferred. Chose the version that match for your platform.
Unix text:

Syntax note

If you need to make remark, start a line with a “#” key.
Empty lines are allow.

The main structure starts with the keyword “language” and follow by the specify language name (do not change the name). The content of the table start with a { character and end with a } character. Eg: language English {
name The user name
The keyword “html” simply defined the HTML file in the language structure. Do not change this definition. Eg: html mailWrite.htm {
rc Recent:
to To:
cc Cc:
bcc Bcc:
In short, do not change any line that contains { or }, and do not change the first word of each line. The first word of each line is an index, it could be short cut of the sentence or a number. Eg: language NewLanguage {
name The user name
Should be translated to:
language NewLanguage {
name The New Language translation of User Name
Should be translated to:
language NewLanguage {
name The New Language translation of User Name
The translated sentence must fits within single line. Use \r instead to specify new line. Eg:
metaTag \r<meta http-equiv=“Content-Type” content=“text/html; charset=iso-8859-1”>\r
HTML tags are allow, but try not to use formatting tags (Eg: <font size=2>).

Do not change anything start with [ and end with ]. Eg:
pri Priority: [mprioopt]
You may change the sequence if necessary. Eg:
pri [mprioopt] Priority of Mail
Some of the sentences may contain ^x where x could be a number. This simply means AOS will replace these ^x markers to some other value when displaying to user. Do not omit them. You may change the sequence in order to get the meaning right. Eg:
txtMboxMovMailOK ^1 mail(s) being moved from '^2' to '^3'.
May changed to:-
txtMboxMovMailOK Your mail being moved from '^2' to '^3' (^1 mails moved).

by LiangTyan Fui
23 September 1999
1 Feb 2000 revised

dev/language.1421393093.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/16 15:24 by