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Import Contact Into Webmail/VO Address Book

To import your contacts into your Virtual Office (VO) Address Book, firstly login to your webmail. Then, follow the steps below:

1. Go to Email, then click on Address (under Configuration).

2. Click on the button and select Import/Export.

3. An “Address Book Import and Export” window will be displayed. If you already have the CSV file ready for import, skip to step 5. Otherwise, you can download a copy of the CSV template by clicking on the Export Now button.

4. After you have downloaded the sample CSV file, enter the contact information such as the Name, E-mail Address, Business Phone and Mobile Phone, and save it.

5. When your CSV file is ready, click Choose file.

6. Select the previously saved CSV file.

7. Then, click Import to import the contacts.

8. Your contacts will be imported into the Address Book.

faq/email/import_contact_address_book.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/21 14:38 by vikki