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Lookafter File Documentation > Get Started > Creating Users

Creating Users

1. Login as the Admin.

2. Click Users from the menu bar.

3. Click +New.

4. Select a role for the user. There are two options available: User, Admin (Read more about User Roles).

5. Enter a username for the user into the “Username” field. This username will be used by the user to log in to the system later.

6. Enter the full name of the user into the “Name” field.

7. Enter the password for the user. This password will be used by the user to log in to the system later.

8. Define a home folder for the user. Find out more: What is Home Folder, How to select a Home Folder on User Creation

9. Last but not least, select the permissions you want to allow for the user. Find out more about User Permissions for the definition of each permission.

10. Click Save to create the user.

Selecting Home Folder for User

To select a home folder for the user from the user creation/edit window:

1. Firstly, click on the textbox under “Home Folder”.

2. A file directory list will be displayed for you to select a folder.

You can click on the icon to expand a folder and list its sub directories.

3. Click on the folder chosen as the user's home folder. For example, the Projects/ folder (which is a sub folder in Company Share/ folder).

4. The selected folder will appear in the “Home Folder” textbox.

laf/get_started/creating_user.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/22 11:59 by vikki