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Home > FAQ > Email > Spam & Junk > I received email about upgrade required to avoid service interruption, should I respond to it

I received email about upgrade required to avoid service interruption, should I respond to it?

If you receive any email asking you to click on a button/link to verify your email address with reasons like: email storage or server upgrade, email subscription renewal, storage quota exceeded, account reactivation – DO NOT click on that button/link nor respond to it as it is a phishing mail. The next actions that you should perform are to:

The following are some samples of phishing/scam mails and how you can identify them:

Sample 1

In this sample, the scammer is trying to trick the user by mentioning that the mailbox storage has exceeded its limit, and an email account update is required to receive new emails. The scammer also utilizes scare tactic, saying that the email account may be permanently disabled and data will be deleted if the user doesn't take any action.

There are several points to be noted here:

Sample 2

This sample shows a scam mail that asks user to reactivate account to receive some incoming messages that are placed on hold. It also threatens that the domain will be blocked if the user does not perform reactivation within the provided period.

The points to take note are:

Sample 3

In this sample scam mail, the scammer asks the user to verify email address to complete an annual upgrade process. The content and layout may look different, but its charactistics are very similar to the other samples: