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How do I guard my password?

Your password is the key to protecting your email and virtual office(VO) account. Other than using a secure password, you are also advised to follow the following practices on how to protect your password :

  • Don't share your password with anyone.
  • Never send your password via email, instant message, or other communication method that is not secure.
  • Never share your password in response to an email or phone request, even if it appears to be from a trusted company or individual.
  • Use different passwords for different accounts and websites.
  • Change your password regularly (every 1-3 months).
  • Change your password immediately if you suspect your account might have been compromised.
  • Avoid entering your password on other devices that you are not sure whether they are secure.
  • Be extra cautious on email attachments and untrusted links.
  • Always access websites using trusted links.
  • Keep your operating system, browser and other software up to date.
  • Use and maintain antivirus software and firewall.
  • Regularly scan your device with an antivirus software.
faq/profile/how_to_guard_password.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/18 14:25 by vikki